Sunday, October 2, 2011

RoCk OuT or iN Whatever works for YoU

Rock out they said...
                                So i did.
I became a robot and all I could do was rock out, all the time.

Rock out like its just what you do, Rock out like its the alternative to breathing so you will die if you don't
Rock out like you have in your hands a disposable camera and your with all the people you love and its your job to capture the moment with the
                                                very          last                            pi  ct  ur e
Rock out like you have spare time and someone to waste it with,  Rock out like you just got your heart broken and if you stop moving then the pain will set in.
Rock out like it is RaInIng outside and there is someone taking your hand and running through it with you.
Rock out like the doctor just told you "You are going to DIE"  but you just found out that you have one more week to....LIVE!....
Rock out like your best friend isn't mad at you and it doesn't affect you,  Rock out like if you keep dancing they will always be your friEND.

Rock out like your completely sane and its everyone else that is Insane

Rock out like you just met The One, Rock out like you are someone else's One.
Rock out like its freezing outside but you don't care because your past feeling and you know that there is coco and a fire waiting for you just inside.
Rock out like your life is your own, because it is, and you just realized it and now you can do whatever you want!                                                                                      
Rock out like you don't know how much time you have left, because this could be your last chance to                                                                  R O C K O U T


  1. "Rock out like you have in your hands a disposable camera and your with all the people you love and its your job to capture the moment with the very last picture."

    You would use a disposable camera to take pictures of your friends?

    That is a little cheap of you.

    Don't your friends matter?

  2. I like the formatting of that one,
    " very last pi ct ur e"

    Fantastic post! :D

  3. i like how you did the friEND thing. that was siiiiiiick brah.
    Rock. The Freak. Out.

  4. Yeah, really there are so many lines that are good that I can't really pick one. "Like it's the alternative to breathing." Really good.
